Monthly Archives: July 2016

Monday Memories

I thought perhaps I’d have a look back over some of the places I’ve visited & take a fresh look at the views I chose to capture. Last summer we happened to visit a local garden on an afternoon when a local art group where busy at work.


I love this scene. It must have taken a while to transport all the artists tools, paintbox, table & easel from the car park though the garden to the pond. I just like the wild way it all seems to have arrived, yet I imagine it is really organised. Other artists chose other spots around the water, but this one made an ideal opportunity to take a photo without an artist in residence!


This is a closer image & you can see more clearly the angle the artist chose to focus on. The waterlilies  are the main feature of the pond. Does it make you think of a famous painter & his garden with views of a pond with waterlilies?

The garden here tends to be a place to simply walk, sit & enjoy, few people seem to use a camera, so it was lovely to see a group wanting to take something tangible away from the garden as a memento of their visit. I hope they can look back on their pictures too & enjoy them once more.

Fine before Seven…

The weather forecasters promised us a bright sunny day with little chance of rain. Great! Maybe this is the start of summer…

I should have remembered my Grandmother’s saying, “Fine before 7, rain before 11”. How true that was! It started softly, just drizzle, a little moisture in the air. I spotted a blackbird at the top of the garden, hidden in the old flowering quince bush, I just caught a flash of bright yellow beak. The bird was busy preening – in the rain. The temptation to enjoy a bath was too great – how that bird enjoyed its bathing ritual! There was much splashing as water washed over its back, before the bird retreated back to safety of the quince.

Steady rain turned to a downpour as the heavens opened. By this time I had already planned my day – a picnic first then onto a nearby garden for a walk in beautiful surroundings. Thankfully the sun had returned by the time I set off with my companion, picnic, thermos, waterproof jacket, umbrellas & money for ice creams. Perhaps I should have joined the boy scouts – I do like to “be prepared”!

We had a lovely time amid flowers enjoying the sunshine – just like us. The garden has numerous seats, but we found one in the sun in the sheltered of a yew hedge. Perfect space to sit, soak up the sun while enjoying our ice creams! It was also good to people watch –  I was intrigued by a couple busy taking photos. They both lined up the shot in a very exact manner, using huge lenses. Try as I might I could not discern what they were so keen to photograph! Perhaps I’m just not tall enough to see what they could.

Admittedly it was quite breezy so hard to take perfect photos as the stems swayed merrily around. My favourite flower of the day – a gorgeous poppy.

Leaning on a Lamppost

Weather wise June was disappointing, gloomy, cold & wet! Today is the first day of July & weather remains much the same! I went for a walk, just a few moments for a breath of air. It was breezy & cold! I wished I’d worn a sweatshirt under my jacket. It reminded me of summer holidays – wanting to make the most of your time away, despite the chill in the air.

Despite the briefness of my stroll I managed to spot a handful of wild things… This was my first


Somehow it just seems so natural for the ivy to use the street light as a support, a progression from the garden fence to higher places! The pathway can become very overgrown, but it is good to see something green growing here.

Further along the path & there are flowers that have escaped a garden. In today’s gloom their brightness is most welcome. I usually moan at the mossy growth on the path as it becomes slippery in wet weather & a hazard, but today I welcomed it for the vivid colour injection to my day. It seemed the green strip was highlighting the pathway.


It always amazes me that a plant can survive in so little soil. Now I imagine some people will see a weed, perhaps our local authority will decide to spray this public path to keep it weed free. I think it is a delight! It’s a little plant that pops up in gardens & will shine in a gloomy corner. Gem to treasure or weed to remove? You tell me.